Get to know us!

About Us

Artic was born with the support of Google through the Google News Innovation Challenge 2021, in a much broader project that also includes Benefit Clubs and an Advertising Sales Platform. Since then, Artic has become the platform of excellence in Content Management for media companies seeking to resolve all editorial contingencies quickly, easily and safely. Its multidisciplinary team manages to obtain the best in each of its processes, with a clear vision: lead the media industry towards prosperity.

Our team

Rodrigo A. Rotonda

Co Creator

Rodrigo is part of the board of directors of El Eco, the company that owns El Eco de Tandil, a newspaper founded in 1882. Entrepreneur and Bachelor of Business Administration with a postgraduate degree in Marketing, he has been working in the media industry for more than 15 years. He is one of the heads of Artic and the one who diagrammed each of its instances.

Fabricio A. Defelippe

Co Creator

Fabricio, a Systems Engineer, is also CEO of Tuxdi, a software development company based in Tandil. With a large record of implemented projects, he brings to Artic his technical knowledge about the latest technologies and how to apply them efficiently. He is also a professor in the UX Career in Universidad Nacional del Centro.

We have the most complete platform of
content management.

A powerful structure for an
optimum performance


We link the best technology providers to offer extraordinary returns.